all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 4AA 4 53.726629 -2.748239
PR4 4AB 3 53.726389 -2.75219
PR4 4AD 0 53.725059 -2.760578
PR4 4AE 0 53.724437 -2.760855
PR4 4AF 0 53.727017 -2.745123
PR4 4AH 0 53.729861 -2.728409
PR4 4AJ 0 53.733136 -2.730801
PR4 4AL 0 53.734823 -2.754478
PR4 4AN 0 53.736152 -2.753244
PR4 4AP 0 53.735096 -2.753922
PR4 4AQ 2 53.735337 -2.744255
PR4 4AR 0 53.732866 -2.733903
PR4 4AS 0 53.737611 -2.755495
PR4 4AT 0 53.729308 -2.749299
PR4 4AX 0 53.724339 -2.757622
PR4 4AY 0 53.727473 -2.751315
PR4 4AZ 1 53.731598 -2.729285
PR4 4BA 6 53.729842 -2.729845
PR4 4BB 0 53.725767 -2.750936
PR4 4BD 1 53.727616 -2.745604